Welcome to all ITI FITTER, TURNER, WELDER, and MACHINISTS Student.
If you have completed ITI FITTER, TURNER, WELDER, MACHINISTS trade, then this application will be very useful for you.
If you have to take the ITI 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Semester Exam in TI FITTER, TURNER, WELDER, MACHINISTS Or If you are preparing for any Competitive Exam Like RAILWAY, ISRO, SSC, DRDO, ONGC, IOCL, SAIL, BHEL, BARC, NPCIL, BPCL, ONGC, BEL, GAIL, Electricity Board, etc, then you will get very important multiple choice question on this Application.
Very important question has been given in This Application, Which has already appeared in the computer examination.
Precision Instruments
Measuring tool
Marking Tools
Cutting Tool
Jigs and Fixtures
Sheet metal working
Hand Tools
Screw threads & Fasteners
Heat treatment
Limits, Fit & Tolerance
Surface Finish
Lubricant & Coolants
Pipe &Pipe fitting